561,000 dead by the way.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
I wanted to make a more conscious effort to get my thoughts in writing again. I’m not sure what I’m thinking about right now to be honest. When I had this thought it was 3am and I was very tired. My mind went to the cosmos... to the quantum. All the theoretical physics videos I’ve been watching lately have given me the drunken impression that I understand all of it. My mind went to places of a societal/social nature. Of course now I can’t remember exactly what it was because I was tired and high as kite. Something about how sometimes we don’t recognized things until we give them a name, then they’re clear as day. Giving it a name also rigidly defines that thing though... and whatever the circumstance, there are those that will try to cram everything into neatly labeled boxes when reality is much more messy. ( from the notion that ancient people’s didn’t see the color blue because they didn’t have a name for it. The truth is they saw the color blue, it just didn’t stand out as all that unique to them from just being a Shade of black. )
This last year was crazy, of course... but I think I was in shock for a lot of it. Seems like a dream now. I’m just now starting to process a lot of the fucked up nature of it.