Monday, April 08, 2019

Nathan W. Pyle/Strange Planet

I don't think we need to the light torches and get the pitchforks out just yet over a relatively common opinion on abortion a guy shared 2 or 3 years ago. I don't agree with him at all and the march-4-lyfe people are turds but if your criteria for liking a comic strip or any other form of media is that the creators believe exactly all the same things you do, I've got some news for you (especially when the thing they're creating is entirely apolitical). Actual subject matter and degree need to be accounted for, sure. If a creator is going online frequently spouting off Nazi shit, that's another matter that's impossible to ignore. And if that person starts using their craft as a way to spread those ideas that you don't agree with, logically it also becomes a different matter entirely. I get political with my comic sometimes with the full understanding it may turn some people off and I might lose a reader or two, or otherwise limit my audience, but that's a price I'm willing to pay. All that being said he made a pretty mild tweet 2 years ago, he's not standing outside of abortion clinics with images of dead fetuses screaming at pregnant 15 year olds. Chill. It really isn't worth it.