I'm pleased as shit over my new softsynth that I got for free. 6 oscilators, hundreds of preset waveforms dozens of effects, dozens of LFO parameters. This was free and it's better than most of my outboard equipment. Best part is that it's in the form of a VSTi plugin, which means I can use it inside Buzz.
It's called Wusikstation, you can get it if you buy this months issue of Computer Music Magazine.
In other news, I've got employment anxiety. I applied for a company that my brother works with. It's been a few days and they havn't called me back yet. I'm not as freaked out as I was yesterday because Ashley just informed me that her sister's work is hiring, so at least I've got a backup plan. I'm just finished with Pizza Hut. Ashley's been wanting me to get another job for sometime now. I wasn't ready before, but now I am. During the summer and fall it was nice out and I was making decent money (still am) and I hadn't been there that long. Now I'm approaching the 1 year mark on working there and I've had enough.
My brother is calling me back in a few with the number to the woman who took my application and resume so at least I can have some sort of answer.